I started my business for freedom of time. I felt pulled in too many directions and realized I was pushing myself harder than I needed to.

I started my business for freedom of time. I felt pulled in too many directions and realized I was pushing myself harder than I needed to.
Eventually, my husband and I decided it was worth trying to start my own business.
I wanted to go to school events and volunteer in the classroom… to attend appointments, physical therapy, gym classes, or my trainer during the day if I had time.
My husband already owned a business doing IT consulting… so it wasn’t new territory for us.
So now I get to work with the clients I want to work with –all amazing, by the way. I also train and coach others in the proposal industry to learn what I’ve been taught over the past 20 years while building a team of my own who are as talented at producing proposals as I am.
And so today, in the spirit of Christmas and the holidays, I wanted to give YOU a gift.

Today, I’m sharing my Master Resume Template with you.
The Master Resume Template helps you maintain UNIFORMITY on a pursuit.
Having all the information readily available lets your proposal team easily format resumes to be compliant and fit your selected format.
It will let your proposal team have stored information on your staff.
Selected team members only need to review or update their resumes (i.e., training/certifications, projects, etc.) as they are selected for future projects.
Click HERE to download the template!
Thanks so much for supporting my business. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.
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